What is it about?
The Mediterranean Sea is one of the tourist hot spots in the world that is facing several environmental challenges. Due to the fact that more than 400 million people visit the region annually, it puts additional pressure on the already fragile resources and environment. Nevertheless, visitors of the Mediterranean region can spend their holidays in a more sustainable way while sectors and businesses also have to take part to make their operations as green and blue as possible. As everything starts with education, knowledge transfer is crucial where the project puts water-sport & leisure centres to the heart of the actions.
This is what brings together 7 organizations together from Ecomarine Malta, Malta; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece; EMSEA, Belgium; University of Zadar, Croatia; Envjoy Nature and Peix al Plat, Spain; and Bikini Diving, Italy where the leading organization is Clean Boating from Mallorca.
Building on the Mediterranean Sea Literacy principles, the project partners developed:
- an open-source library,
- translations of the Mediterranean Sea Literacy Brochure,
- a Resource Map with more than 150 resources
- visual elements principally for leisure centers and any other maritime tourism stakeholders in the Mediterranean region.
These are engaging, creative and informative tools & resources that enable the target groups to learn about ocean literacy principles tailor-made for the Med, while we highly encourage them to disseminate this knowledge among their clients by using these resources in their daily operations.
Project partners also organized local & regional events, to enhance the sea literacy principles with different activities. Check out our social media sites, if you would like to learn more about the past events and discover if there are upcoming ones in your area!
Stay up to date and follow Fins into the water on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram!
The Fins into the Water project will end in October 2024, with a webinar showcasing all the results, outcomes. However, the created resources will be available freely to anybody interested in Mediterranean Sea Literacy.

Re-watch our final webinar!
Come and deep-dive with our team and lets discover
how water sports can be part of the solution by using Mediterranean Sea Literacy!
Federico Morisio - Professional windsurfer & Ocean Ambassador
Patrizia Patti & Michela Aquilina - EcoMarine Malta
Melita Mokos - Assistant professor at University of Zadar
Anna Bozzano - Marine biologist & founder of Peix al Plat
Giulia Routolo - Diver & owner of Bikini Diving
Eleonora de Sabata - Diver & Marine journalist, underwater photographer
Yolanda Koulouri - Researcher at HCMR

Project partners:
Clean Boating - website, Instagram, Facebook
Bikini Dving - website, Instagram, Facebook
Ecomarine Malta - website, Instagram, Facebook
El Peix al plat, Envjoy - website, Instagram, Facebook, Instagram envjoy
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) - Facebook of Creaquarium, Instagram of Cretaquarium, Facebook of IMBCC, Linkedin of IMBCC
University of Zadar - website, Facebook
European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA) - website, Instagram, Facebook
The project Fins into the Water” is co-financed by the European Union. The opinions and views expressed publication are solely those of their author(s) Clean Boating Association and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE). Neither the European Union nor the SEPIE National Agency can be held responsible for them.