
EMSEA Azores

EMSEA is well known for its annual conferences.

EMSEA conferences focus on small attendance lists, but big impact!  We choose small to medium venues to ensure that everyone gets the chance to meet each other.  Post conference evaluation of participants shows that real, life long connections are made between delegates and each conference has been the catalyst for a wide range of ocean literacy initiatives.

The EMSEA network is driven by the values of fun and inclusivity, and conferences are welcoming spaces for everyone, what ever their background.  As long as you are passionate about the ocean, you'll fit right in!


September 17, 2025
EMSEA returns back to Belgium for its annual conference in 2025!
September 23, 2024
As the Ocean Literacy concept marks its 20th anniversary this year, and EMSEA proudly celebrates 11 years of advancing Ocean Literacy in Europe and beyond, we are thrilled to…
October 16, 2023
EMSEA celebrates its 10 years anniversary!
To usher this milestone, EMSEA ventures beyond the EU boundaries and brings its members to one of the EU's partner countries…
September 25, 2022
After 2 years of virtual meetings, EMSEA is happy to announce a new on-site conference on the sunny island of Palma de Mallorca in collaboration with our host Sea Teach.
October 06, 2021
EMSEA held its first virtual conference bringing ocean literacy experts and ocean educators together.
September 30, 2020
The eighth EMSEA conference was unfortunately not held in the Gdynia aquarium in Poland due to the pandemic.
September 15, 2019
The Seventh EMSEA Conference took place at the EXPOLAB on Sao Miguel Island in the Azores, Portugal, and was hosted by the Azores' Regional Fund for Science and Technology (…
October 01, 2018
Marine educators gathered at EMSEA’s sixth annual conference, hosted by Annie Russell from Newcastle University and held at the Great North Museum.
October 06, 2017
EMSEA 2017 took place in Valetta and was organized by our hosts Prof. Alan Deidun and Prof. Paul J Pace from the University of Malta.
October 03, 2016
Belfast, Northern Ireland held the fourth EMSEA Conference 2016. The event was organized by the host Susan Heaney of Blue Inspiration and Titanic Belfast.